In recent weeks I have been irked by some comments made by people
when they were discussing the President of the United States (POTUS).
One talking-head on MSNBC was referring to POTUS and his
upcoming remarks on gun control legislation in the wake of the shootings in Connecticut. She said something to the effect that we all
should be interested in what POTUS has to say because he is "the Commander
-in- Chief".
Well...., yes and no.
He is not my Commander-in-Chief since I am not a part of the
military. He cannot order me to do anything. Military personnel are another matter and he
is in fact their Commander-in-Chief. He
is in fact the civilian commander of the United States military. We the People run the military, they do not
run us.
But not too far from that blooper Nanny -in-Chief Michael
Bloomberg was stating what POTUS should be telling us what to do about gun
Well......yes and no. He can't just tell us what to do. He may suggest legislative changes and then
enforce them as law BUT even with his shaky "Executive Orders" he
must be constitutionally correct and should not over step his authority in a
non-emergency situation.
These episodes represent the mistaken notion that POTUS is
supreme dictator or Commissar ala Joe Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Mao se Tung and
Nanny Bloomberg.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is even getting into the
act! The New York Times reported on his
intention to possibly "confiscate" firearms from New York State
Why are chief executives at all levels of government
considering themselves Commissars, Nannies, Tsars, Despots, Emperors, Kaisers
or Big Cohunes and by doing so being the legislative, judicial and executive
roles all wrapped one!?!?!? This reminds
me of Pooh-Bah in Gilbert and Sullivan's satirical comedy opera The Mikado. That was fictional comedy, this is real
governance in the 21st Century.
These Pooh Bahs ought to remember the United States
Constitution has a Second Amendment and Fourth Amendment. They should also remember they are the
representative of only one co-equal branch of government. The electorate elected them, they did not
appoint themselves and no power has anointed them.
We the people gave the power to govern to the
government and we can just as easily take it away.
Oh how life was so simple in The Town of Titipu!
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